Sunday, 1st January: 10.00 am Matins, Divine Liturgy,
.....Doxology for the Beginning of the New Year and Cutting of the New Year’s Cake
.....Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord and St. Basil the Great
Thursday, 5th January: 9.30 am Royal Hours of Theophany, Vespers, Divine Liturgy
.....& the Great Sanctification of the Waters
.....Theophany Eve (Fasting)
Friday, 6th January: 9.30 am Matins, Divine Liturgy &
.....the Great Sanctification of the Waters
.....Holy Theophany of our Lord
.....6.00 pm Vespers
Saturday, 7th January: 9.30 am Matins & Divine Liturgy
.....Memorial Services may start again from today
.....Feast of St. John the Baptist
Sunday, 8th January: 12.30 pm Tea organised by our Ladies Sisterhood
.....Members pay their annual subscription
Tuesday, 10th January: 6.00 pm Supplicatory Canon to St. Panteleimon
.....6.30 pm Bible Study: “The miracles”

Sunday, 15th January: 4.30 pm Afternoon Tea, organised by St. Agatha Ladies’ Sisterhood
.....A talk will be delivered by Mrs. Alexandra Demou
.....Theme: “The place of woman in Pakistan”
Monday, 16th January: 6.00 pm Vespers
Tuesday, 17th January: 9.30 am Matins & Divine Liturgy
.....Feast of St. Anthony the Great
.....6.00 pm Supplicatory Canon to St. Paraskevi
.....6.30 pm Bible Study: “The person and the work of St. Athanasios the Great”
Sunday, 22nd January: 1.00 pm New Year’s Lunch for the Elderly, oferred by Mr. Andreas Georgiades
Tuesday, 24th January: 6.00 pm Supplicatory Canon to Virgin Mary
.....6.30 pm Bible Study: “Psalm 37”
Wednesday, 25th January: 6.00 pm Vespers
Thursday, 26th January: 9.30 am Matins & Divine Liturgy
.....Feast of St. Xenophon
Sunday, 29th January: 6.00 pm Vespers
Monday, 30th January: 9.30 am Matins & Divine Liturgy
.....Feast of the Three Holy Hierarchs - Feast of the Hellenic and Christian Letters
Tuesday, 31st January: 6.00 pm Supplicatory Canon to St. Panteleimon
.....6.30 pm Bible Study: “The Holy Island of Tenos”