Friday 2 October 2009

Let us bow down and bend the knee

Psalm 95 (94) invites the faithful to worship and fall down before our Holy God.

In verse 6 we read: “Oh come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker”.

These words I recalled when I saw the labourers working hard today (the last day of the working week) in our site.

In the pictures they appear bowing down in order to do their work properly.

This is certainly a very hard job and we should pray for them to our Great God to keep them safe and healthy and make them strong as they are building His place of worship.



Α. Παπαγιάννης said...

I would like to add an historical note that may be relevant to this site. Vitaliano Poselli was an architect who built several of the most beautiful buildings in Thessaloniki in late 19th century. Among them was the Roman Catholic Church which still stands in Frangon Street. When the last tile was placed on the roof, the architect knelt down, crossed himself and touched his forehead on the ground saying: "I thank God who allowed us to get up there without a single accident to my workmen".
May the Lord enable you to repeat these words soon in the near future!

Anastasios said...

@ Α. Παπαγιάννης,
